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Career Exploration and Job Search Resources

This page is a collaboration between the Career and Professional Development Center and the Bell Library. Here you will find resources to help you launch your career or kickstart your job search.

Know the Company

Whether you're exploring career options or preparing for an interview, knowing more about companies that offer jobs you're interesting is essential. While you can learn a lot about a company from its website, there are other sources of information that you can consult that give a more neutral, third-party perspective.

Know the Industry

While knowing a lot about the company you are applying to is key, you should also have an understanding of the industry(ies) in which the company operates. This will help you put the company into context.

Industry reports and industry news sources will also provide reliable information that you can use to impress your interviewer with your knowledge of their field.

Corpus Christi and South Texas Companies

Finding information about local, smaller companies can be a challenge. Try searching the Corpus Christi Caller-Times using the Access World News database linked below for articles about Coastal Bend companies.


In the video below, social psychologist Amy Cuddy discusses the influence that "power posing" may have on how we see ourselves, how others see us, and our overall chances for success.

The STAR method is a structured way of responding the behavioral interview questions. The series of videos below reviews basic interviewing best practices as well as showcasing ways to answer interview questions.