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MGMT 4320 - Leadership and Managerial Effectiveness

Finding Background About Your Leader

When searching these reference databases, search by the name of your leader. You can try adding the term "leadership", but if nothing comes up, that's not surprising!

These sources will be great for background information on your leader: biographical details, historical context, etc.

Try a Quick Search

Quick Search searches across many different databases with one click. (This is the same search that is on the library's home page.)

Use the filters on the left-hand side of the search results to manage what can sometimes be large amounts of information.

Quick Search

Try your keywords in the library's Quick Search. 

Strategies and Suggestions

Search for each of your leaders individually. Use whatever words you need to connect with the different elements of leadership you want to explore. An exception to this could be if it's possible your two leaders encountered one another or if one might have been influenced by the other. 

Example: A letter from Cesar Chavez to Hector P. Garcia in Bell Library's Special Collections

Start with finding background in the sources listed above. Search by your leader's name. You can experiment with adding "leadership" to that search but I would definitely recommend trying it with just the name as well.

Reading the brief articles from the reference sources will give you ideas of what to explore for next. When you're ready, use the search box at the bottom of this guide (or on the library home page) to find other materials, like books, articles, etc.

A series of searches might look something like this:

  • Theodore Roosevelt biography (use the menu on the left to focus your search on books)
  • Theodore Roosevelt leader* (books and articles)
  • Theodore Roosevelt strateg* (articles)
  • Theodore Roosevelt motivat* (articles)
  • Theodore Roosevelt communicat* (articles)
  • What other aspects of leadership can you think of to add to this list?

Then repeat these searches for your second leader. Compare what you've found and look for similarities and differences.

You can TRY looking for the two leaders together in the same sources, but realize that in many cases you might be the first person to compare these leaders, so you might not find another comparison already written.

Note: The asterisk after some of these words allows you to search for different forms of the word, for example leader, leaders, leadership or motivate, motivated, motivation.