Engineering Research Guide:Find Books

A guide to patent searching, including relevant databases and websites.

Browse the Shelves

Browse the library shelves in these call number areas:

T - Technology (General)
TA - General & Civil Engineering
TC - Hydraulic & Oceanic Engineering
TD - Environmental Technology & Sanitation
TE - Highway Engineering
TF - Railroad Engineering
TG - Bridge Engineering
TH - Building Construction
TJ - Mechanical Engineering & Machinery
TK - Electrical & Nuclear Engineering
TL - Aeronautics, Astronautics & Vehicles
TN - Mining Engineering
TP - Chemical Technology
TS - Manufactures

Library Catalog Search

If you know exactly what you are looking for, use an Author or Title search in the Library Catalog.

If you are not sure what you need, use a Keyword search

  • For engineering related keyword searches, type in (or copy & paste) the following:
    • engineer* AND your topic

Note: The * used in the search phrase above is truncating the word to its root spelling.  This tells the catalog to search for any word that begins with the letters that precede the *.  For example: engineer* will find engineer, engineering, engineered, etc.

  • Replace the words your topiwith other topics you want included, such as:
    • mechanical, civil, aeronautic, etc.
    • principle, practice, measurements, etc.
    • structural analysis, biomolecular principles, unit testing, etc.
    • encyclopedia, bibliography, translation, etc.
  • To add additional concepts or terms use the word AND, for example:
    • engineer* AND mechanical AND bibliography

This should get you started searching for items relating to engineering.

Find E-Books in Knovel

Interlibrary Loan

If you need anything Bell Library doesn't own, Interlibrary Loan is the service that can find those materials to you!

Usually, we'll be able to get the material in a few days, but a hard copy (like a full book or journal issue) will take us a little longer.

Don't forget: If you are currently a registered Distance Learner with the Registrar's Office or designated as a Remote Researcher; you can have books from Bell Library’s Main Collection, and borrowed interlibrary loan materials, shipped directly to your home for free. We also supply a prepaid return label for your convenience.