Engineering Research Guide:ENGR 3350

A guide to patent searching, including relevant databases and websites.

SLO 2: Evaluate

SLO Level 2 is Evaluate

The Student Learning Objective (SLO) for today's workshop is Evaluate. We define Evaluate in 2 parts: A) the ability to evaluate a source’s credibility in the context of their information needs, and B) the ability to evaluate a source’s suitability in the context of their information needs. 

We will have two activities that align with these SLO that focus on developing students’ ability to evaluate an information source in relation to their information need. 

You may already do this intuitively, but the goal of today's workshop is to make the evaluation processes visible. This way, you can receive guidance on improving their evaluation skills over time. 


Activity 1: Which article should I use? 

This activity focuses on part b of the Evaluate SLO: the ability to evaluate a source’s suitability in the context of your information needs. 

Activity 2: Using the SWIFT method

This activity focuses on part a of the Evaluate SLO: the ability to evaluate a source’s credibility in the context of your information needs.

For this activity, please go to the SWIFT Guide