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Grants and Funding Guide: Home

Access Pivot-RP

Access the database Pivot-RP to find Grant Funding Opportunities.


Funding Search Tips in Pivot-RP

This box provides some tips to perform searches for funding opportunities in Pivot-RP. For the most precise searching, use the Advanced Search options. For more details, see Searching for Funding Opportunities.

  • Entering terms in the Quick Search search box will search for the terms you enter across all fields. These search fields include: 

    • Title

    • Abstract

    • Sponsor name

    • Deadline notes

    • Eligibility information

    • Keyword fields

  • Many grant sponsors do not mention specific kinds of research they will fund. Instead they state broader disciplines within which they will consider applications. For example, a project to study zebra mussels may be eligible under a grant looking to fund projects in the broader fields of Biological Sciences, Marine Biology, or Environmental Biology, and so forth.

  • Use Truncation (Asterisk), Proximity Operators (pre/#, w/#), Exact Phrase Searching (Double Quotes), and Precedence (Parentheses) to give your search more flexibility. For example:

    • bas* returns items with words that start with bas, such as baseball and basket.

    • Lead* returns items such as leader or leadership.

    • (gene w/2 mouse) or "mouse genome" – returns items that have the word gene within two words of mouse or that contain the exact phrase mouse genome.

  • Hyphens are important in Pivot-RP: searching Covid-19 will return different results than search Covid 19.

  • You can search by the funder's opportunity ID (or Reference ID).  Just enter the Opp ID in the All Fields box (advanced search) or the Quick Search box.   However, do NOT use hyphens.  Example the ID  PAR-18-953 should be searched as just PAR18953.   Note that CFDA numbers can also be searched directly by using the advanced search form and selecting CFDA from the field pull down menu.

    • You can also search for the unique Pivot-RP assigned ID for every opportunity but that number should be in quotes. Example " 66962713-c3cd-44f2-be49-bbfc71465d6d"

  • Using the Search by Funder feature will allow you to search for opportunities from a specific funder or sponsor.  Selecting the All Funders option will bring up an AtoZ directory of all funders/sponsors with current opportunities in Pivot-RP.  The AtoZ funder directory can be browsed or searched.  If a funder in the directory is displayed as a highlighted link, selecting the funder name will return a search result showing all funding opportunities for that funder.

Scholarly Communication Librarian

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Alexa Hight
Bell Library, Room 115


Consider registering for an ORCID, to simplify applying for grants and allowing grant funders to identify you and your work as a researcher. Learn more.

Research Data Management

Most grant funders require a Data Management Plan (DMP). You can learn more about what to include in a DMP, and tools to help you write one. 

Finding Collaborators and Funding in PIVOT-RP