Most research starts with Google, we encourage it as a matter of fact. Using Google will help you discover a topic or even better develop a topic idea you have in mind.
There is a small problem, however. How can you ensure Google is giving you reliable sources?
Here's a trick: When looking for sources you can trust, try to stick to .edu, .org, or .gov websites. To do this, enter your search terms in the search box and then add "" or "" or "". For example, if you're researching education issues in Texas, you could search "education issues, Texas,"
Use for an overview of your topic or to identify possible primary sources. Can be used for a "credible source" for the source reviews.
You can use Quick Search to identify books, articles from periodicals, government documents, primary source collections, and more.
Below, you'll find a few very specific links to incredible primary sources!! For those of you who are a bit more exploratory, there are even more resources categorized by resource type (government documents, website, etc.).
1. Search the Internet using Google. Do a keyword search for your topic and add the words "primary sources".
2. Use the Library's Quick Search. Do a keyword search for your topic and add the words "primary sources" or just "sources". Or add the words for a specific type of source.
2. Use the secondary sources you've already found, like books or journal articles, and look in the notes or bibliography to see what primary sources that author used. Then search for those sources online or in the library using the strategies above.
The video below shows you how to conduct a quick search from Bell Library's homepage and how to access the resources you find there.
The sample search primarily focuses on journal articles, but you can similarly limit your search to books or eBooks. Once receiving your results, you can distinguish eBook items from regular print items by noting the "online" tag for eBook titles. For titles we carry in print, you will need to make note of the location of the book and the call number.