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Media and Film Studies: Home

Library resources to help with Film Studies coursework!

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Don't Pay For It!

If we don't have access to something you need, don't be tempted to pay for it online. We offer interlibrary loan and can find what you need--without pulling out your credit card!

Don't Forget!

In a pdf file, you can use Ctrl "F" to find exact words and phrases in the text

In a book, you can do the same thing with the Index in the back of the book!

Open Resources for Media and Film Studies

Finding Sources in Library Databases

Playing in the Stacks

Call Numbers are on the spine of the book, this relates to the subject--remember to browse the shelves:

PN 1993-1999 Motion pictures

TR 845-899 Cinematography. Motion pictures.

Industry Reports

You can search for industry reports on several different areas, you might try:

Movie & Video Production (51211a)

Television Production (51211b)

Movie & Video Distribution (51212)

Movie Theaters (51213)

Postproduction Services (51219)

Your Librarian

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Jennifer Anderson

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