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Publishing with Open Journal Systems (OJS)

Bell Library is able to offer support for hosting open access journals through our partnership with the Texas Digital Library.

About Open Access Journals

Bell Library is able to offer support for hosting open access journals through our partnership with the Texas Digital Library (TDL). 

Hosting Platform

What is a TDL Electronic Journal? 

Using Open Journal Systems software, faculty can set up and publish an online journal (or migrate an existing journal) without any costs for the software or TDL technical assistance. The OJS software helps with every stage of peer-reviewed publishing, handling online submissions from authors, managing the peer-review process, publishing issues online, and indexing content.

Using OJS, journal managers and editors can:

  • Customize submission requirements, the peer review process, and the journal’s appearance
  • Perform all journal management tasks online
  • Set up a subscription-based journal with delayed open access options
  • Provide comprehensive indexing of content
  • Use OJS e-mail notification and commenting tools

TDL Electronic Journals also become part of the TDL Electronic Press and are indexed by open-access harvesters so that all content is widely available online.

Steps for Hosting

To request a TDL-hosted academic journal site in OJS, Journal Teams can submit an application for hosting to the TDL Helpdesk with the following information:

  • Name of journal

  • Slug for journal (an abbreviated form of the journal title that serves as part of the website URL after

  • Name and email address(es) for Journal Manager(s)

  • Purpose and scope of journal

  • Plan for publication, including publication frequency, information about your editorial board, journal staffing plans, and estimated timeline to first issue

  • Legacy information. Is this an existing journal with back issues that must be migrated? If so, how many issues? How many articles? In what format are are articles (e.g. PDF)? In what platform do the issues currently reside (e.g. Bepress journal, on a hard drive, etc.)?

  • Open Access policy

  • Language(s) used in the journal. Do you need support for special characters/diacritical marks?

Upon receipt of your request, TDL staff and your library’s liaison will review the application and notify you of approval or request further information.

How do I set up a TDL Electronic Journal? 

If you would like to create an e-journal, please complete this form or contact the TDL Helpdesk at A TDL staff member will help you claim and set up your journal.

To get started with a TDL Electronic Journal, follow the “5 Steps to a TDL Electronic Journal.