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Open Access

This guide provides guidance on open access scholarly publishing for all researchers.

Read & Publish Programs

Read & Publish programs are transformative agreements which shift libraries and publishers away from subscription-based models and towards open access publishing. They allow faculty to publish Gold Open Access articles in journals at no additional cost.

The Texas A&M University Libraries participate in “Read & Publish” programs with these publishers:

American Chemical Society (ACS)

TAMU-CC is participating in a Publish and Read program with ACS which allows articles with the submitting corresponding authors affiliated with TAMU-CC to be published open access at no charge to the author. This applies to 4 out of 5 journal collections published by ACS. Please see ACS open science page to see which journal collections are included. Visit the ACS Open Science Resource Center at: publish/#publish

Association for Computational Machinery (ACM)

TAMU-CC authors may publish OA at no cost in ACM journals. See link below for a list of journals covered by the agreement.

Cambridge University Press

TAMU-CC authors may publish OA at no cost in journals covered by this agreement. When prompted, please coordinate your APC transaction and seek funding from your institution. Doing so will not impose additional costs on your library. For further information, visit the Texas A&M Library Consortium OA agreement. This agreement covers 397 open access journals for TAMU-CC authors.

Cambridge Next Steps:

  • Submit your research using your institutional affiliation (ideally using ORCID). Please note that eligibility is based on the corresponding author's affiliation.
  • We advise authors to check any funder or institutional mandates, for example research-funded authors may need to choose CC-BY (Creative Commons Attribution License).
  • Upon acceptance, choose the Gold Open Access option in your author publishing agreement form and select a creative commons license.
  • To find out more about publishing Open Access please visit the link below or contact


TAMU-CC authors can publish up to nine primary research and review articles in hybrid journals and up to two in gold open access journals each calendar year, regardless of the journal chosen or the APC list price.

For more information about open access at Wiley, including complete lists of hybrid and gold open access journals covered by this agreement, please visit the link below.

Springer Nature

TAMU-CC authors can publish open access at no cost in Springer hybrid journals, excluding Nature titles.

APC Discounts


Through our Elsevier agreement, our faculty can get a 15% discount on APCs for Gold core Elsevier journals and a 10% discount on APCs for Hybrid core Elsevier journals. Eligible titles include Elsevier-owned hybrid and fully gold journals, with the exception of Cell Press and The Lancet, and certain Society titles. 

MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) 

MDPI currently publishes 393 peer-reviewed journals and is continuously expanding its portfolio.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi is a participating member of Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) which provides TAMU-CC authors a 10% discount on APC, which is automatically applied when the author’s email address is matched to our institution.