Your professors want you to cite your articles using APSA (American Political Science Review) style.
For newspaper article, this will look like the following:
Author Last Name, Author's First Name. Year of publication. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper, day month.
Example: Cuff, Daniel F. 1985. "Forging a New Shape for Steel." New York Times, 26 May.
Filters to Select from the left menu:
Source Type: Newspapers
Publication Date: July 1, 2021 - Today's Date - Using this date range will help you select articles that reflect the current conversation.
Document Type: Clicking on More will let you Include News, Article, and Feature and allow you to Exclude other types of content -- see if this helps!
Publication Title: Select the two papers that you are allowed to use: The Texas Tribune and The Austin American Statesman
Filters to Select from the left menu:
Date Search: from July 1, 2021 to today's date
Source Name: Fort Worth Star-Telegram and the Houston Chronicle
Filters to Select from the left menu:
Date Search: from July 2021 to today's date
Source Name: Dallas Morning News
Media Bias chart created by Vanessa Otero, JD. For the most current mediabias chart and to see why media outlets are ranked where they are, go to
Your professors have approved the following news outlets as credible (trustworthy) sources:
*Note: Content from the Opinion pages are not acceptable for this assignment*