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Tara's copy of I-Know faculty guide

What is I-Know?

i-know branding image

This guide provides instructors with resources for creating, adapting, and assessing activities that align with the I-Know Program.

I-Know Digital Information Literacy is TAMUCC's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)  to prepare students for the evolving information landscape. After going through the I-Know Program, TAMUCC graduates will be able to confidently find, evaluate, create, and communicate knowledge using digital technologies, and will have the skills to adapt and thrive in the next generation of technological innovations.

This plan is part of TAMUCC's SACSCOC reaffirmation. To learn more, or to read the full QEP, visit

What Does this Mean for the Courses I Teach?

All First Year Seminar, select major prerequisite, and all capstone courses will be designated I-Know courses. This means that they will integrate at least one of our Student Learning Objectives (SLOs).The SLOs defined by our Quality Enhancement Plan are Find, Evaluate, Create, and Communicate. Click the corresponding SLO tab in the navigation to learn more about each SLO.

What is Digital Information Literacy?

Digital Information Literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information effectively and responsibly by leveraging the appropriate technology to achieve one's goals.

Professional Development

The I-Know team provides regular professional development about integrating Student Learning Objectives into your course. To learn more about our upcoming professional development opportunities email Emily Sartorius:

I-Know Consultation

If you want help creating or adapting activities that reflect the I-Know Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) into your own course, you can contact Eric Cosio at