ESCI 6203:Finding Articles

This guide was created for Dr. Elena Keen's ESCI 6203 class.

Off-Campus Access

Off-campus access to some Bell Library databases and services is available for TAMU-CC users only.
Students: Access requires your Island ID, the same username and password you use for Canvas, wireless access, and logging into the computers in the labs.

Faculty & staff: Access requires your Active Directory/Outlook username and password.

More information can be found on our Off-Campus Users page.

Interlibrary Loan

If you need anything Bell Library doesn't own, Interlibrary Loan is the service that can find those materials to you!

Usually, we'll be able to get the material in a few days, but a hard copy (like a full book or journal issue) will take us a little longer.

Don't forget: If you are currently a registered Distance Learner with the Registrar's Office or designated as a Remote Researcher; you can have books from Bell Library’s Main Collection, and borrowed interlibrary loan materials, shipped directly to your home for free. We also supply a prepaid return label for your convenience.

Most important databases

Other databases to try

Searching in Web of Science

Searching in ScienceDirect


Use this link to find online and print journals available through Bell Library.