Art Research Guide:Find Books

Interlibrary Loan

If you need anything Bell Library doesn't own, Interlibrary Loan is the service that can find those materials to you!

Usually, we'll be able to get the material in a few days, but a hard copy (like a full book or journal issue) will take us a little longer.

Don't forget: If you are currently a registered Distance Learner with the Registrar's Office or designated as a Remote Researcher; you can have books from Bell Library’s Main Collection, and borrowed interlibrary loan materials, shipped directly to your home for free. We also supply a prepaid return label for your convenience.

Keyword Searching by Artist Name or Art topic

Use keyword searching to find books about an individual artist or art topic.   In the search box below, type in the name of an artist OR use keywords to search for an art history topic (for example -- cubism, abstract expressionism, etc.) in the Bell Library Online Catalog.

Tip: If you're not finding what you need, try clicking on "More search options," then use the down-arrow next to "All Fields" and change it to "Subject Headings."

Bell Library Online Catalog

Suggested Art books - Ancient to Impressionism - from the Bell Library Online Catalog

These books are available in the Bell Library:

Suggested Art Books - Expressionism to Modern and Contemporary Art - from the Bell Library Online Catalog