News and Newspapers:Historical Newspapers and Newsreels

Historical Newspapers on Microfilm

Ask at the Circulation Desk in Bell Library for assistance with these and other newspapers on microfilm:

The New York Times (1851-present)

Corpus Christi Caller-Times (1883-2018)

Historical Coverage of Major U.S. Newspapers

Finding Historical Newspapers in Library Databases and on the Web


Hindenburg crash in newspaper

Searching for Information in Historical Newspapers

STEP ONE: Find your date.

Most historical papers don't have an index.  Exceptions to this rule would include the major national dailies like the New York Times.  Even if the paper is digitized and searchable, it will help to have a rough idea of when your event occurred to be able to limit false hits.

STEP TWO: Find your newspaper

Some historical newspapers will be available on the free web, some will be in online library databases, and some will be on microfilm.

STEP THREE: Confused? Ask for help!

If you're unsure what to do next, ask us!