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Parents and Family Guide to the Mary and Jeff Bell Library: Research Help & More

This guide is intended to help parents and other family members of current and prospective TAMU-CC students get to know what the Libraries have to offer their students.

Research Help!

Click on the down arrow to continue through the introductory content.

Research Guides

This image shows the Research Guides button on the library's main page.

Research Guides are like curated mini-websites created to help you as you navigate a particular subject. Use a Research Guide to find:

  • Best databases to use in a particular field
  • Useful websites
  • Tips and tricks to navigate the field
  • And so much more

Library Instruction & Librarian Liaison Teams

Many classes from freshman level up to Doctoral level meet with a librarian in a library classroom, during an online class, or in their own classrooms.

Librarians are organized into teams assigned as liaisons to different colleges and schools within TAMU-CC. 

Typically students majoring in a subject will meet with one or more librarians from their college or school's group either in a librarian-led instruction session or in an individual research consultation.