Communication Studies Research Guide:Find Books

This guide was created to help locate and navigate resources in Communication Studies.

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Books in the Library

Suggested Call Number Ranges

BF 637.N66, P99.5‐.6 Nonverbal Communication

GN 345.6‐360 Culture and Cultural Processes

HD 30.3 Communication in Organizations

HD 58‐59 Public Relations. Business

HE 8689‐8700 Radio and Television Broadcasting

HM 132‐HM133 Interpersonal and Small Group

HM 1166‐1170 Interpersonal Communication

HM 1196‐1216 Communication

HM 1221‐1226 Public Relations. Publicity. Propaganda

HN 90 .M3 Mass Media

HQ 801 Gender Communication

P 87‐96 Communication. Mass Media

PN 1990‐1992.95 Broadcasting

PN 4121‐4321 Public Speaking, Voice Culture

PN 4177‐4189 Debate

TR 845‐899.5 Cinematography. Motion Pictures.