On the Texas A&M University--Corpus Christi campus, Communication and Media Studies students wishing to approach and complete research involving human subjects will need to complete the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative's Human Subject Research Certification and have this certificate on file with the campus Institutional Review Board.
Instructions for the training and other university compliance information can be found here.
(FYI- the training will take some time, so plan for this process in advance!)
All activities involving research with human subjects in all fields of University activity shall come under the purview of the Institutional Review Board. This committee has the primary responsibility for maintaining ethical standards of research involving human subjects at the University.
The IRB (Institutional Review Board) is comprised of two representatives from each college, and two community members. The committee meets once a month to review protocols that require "full" committee review. The purpose of this committee is to ensure the safety of human subjects that are being used for research purposes. This research can be as simple as conducting surveys or as complex as drawing blood samples. By ensuring the safety of the human subjects, the IRB also protects the liability of the university.
Learn more about the IRB and find Protocol Forms here