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Scholarly Publishing

This guide offers information on how the library supports authors and scholarly publishing

Get your ORCID

What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a persistent digital identifier number that distinguishes you from other researchers. 

Why get an ORCID? 

Having a unique persistent identifier allows you to: 

  • Maintain and manage your scholarly identity
  • Easily link your profile to articles, conference proceedings, experiments, datasets, and more
  • Differentiate between works authored under variant forms of your own name (ex. A. Brown, AR Brown, Anna R. Brown)
  • Differentiate you from authors with identical or similar names
  • Use information for reporting in eRA Commons
  • Create a QR code for use on Conference Posters to direct people to your works. 

Additionally, several major scientific publishers and funding institutions are starting to require ORCID. You may be asked to sign up for an ORCID at some point during the publication process. ORCID iD has become the dominant standard for researcher identification. 

What publishers require ORCID?

The list of publishers requiring ORCIDs continue to grow. See the Signatories list for the ORCID Open Letter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about ORCID

Registering for your ORCID is quick and easy! Go to to get started. 

More information on ORCID, including how to add works: