Quick Search
Use Quick Search when you want to get a broad search through all library databases, the catalog, print and online resources the library owns. You can do that here below:
Using Quick Search Filters
Since Quick Search will search through a much larger set of items (all databases, the library's catalog, most of the library's resources) you might need to use filters to narrow down your searches. You can pre-select filters at the start of your search or during your search.
General Databases are good places to start if you want to begin with a broad search but don't want it to be as broad as a Quick Search. Today we'll take a look at these two databases.
Sometimes you need to start with a more focused search in databases that specialize in certain topics, subject areas, or disciplines. The library's databases page has a pull-down menu that will let you browse databases by topic or subject.
Once you get to the databases subject page you'll also see a list of librarian-picked "Best Bets" highlighted in yellow guiding you to the most popular, useful, or most comprehensive databases in a given subject.
Google Scholar is free to use on the internet, and has lots of full-text articles included. Google Scholar also allows you to search explore papers that have cited a certain paper, and includes Web of Science citation counts and lists when available.
When you are on campus using Islander_Guest access you can access TAMU-CC resources through Google Scholar. If you become a TAMU-CC student in the future you can set up your Google Scholar account to connect to TAMU-CC resources when you are off-campus. The video below demonstrates five tips that will help you maximize your Google Scholar searches.