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I need Help with a Citation


bibliographic citation is used in a publication's reference list to acknowledge a work.  It contains the basic information needed to locate an item. There are different citation styles for citing books, journal articles, chapters in books, dissertations, pamphlets, websites, and other source types.

Check out the Citation Styles Guide or the links below to learn more about citing in the various styles. The citations on this page are in APA style. 

Examples for APA 7th Edition

Here are a few examples of how to cite as well as identity books, journal articles, and websites using APA style 7th edition.


Usually includes author/s, year of publication, title, and publisher. If it is an e-book, include the DOI or URL at the end. 


Author’s Last Name, First Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of book. Publisher. DOI ur URL


Furcht, L., & Hoffman, W. (2008). The stem cell dilemma: Beacons of hope or harbingers of doom? Arcade.

Journal Articles

Usually includes author/s, title, volume number, date, and page numbers. Include a DOI if it has one. 


Author’s Last Name, First Initial(s). (Publication date). Title of article. Title of Magazine/Journal, Volume Number(Issue Number), page numbers.


Wang, P., & Schwarz, J. L. (2010, March/‌April). Stock price reactions to GLBT non-discrimination policies. Human Resource Management, 49(2), 195-216.



Author’s Last Name, First Initial(s). (Publication date). Title of article. Source. URL 


Bologna, C. (2019, October 31). Why some people with anxiety love watching horror movies. HuffPost.