Welcome to the Music Research Guide. Here you will find information about and links to resources for music research in the Mary and Jeff Bell Library. If you don't find what you are looking for here, please contact me so that I can help you to find it.
Information about the Music Department at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi is available on their home page, https://www.tamucc.edu/liberal-arts/departments/music/index.php. Here you will find faculty information, descriptions of the degrees offered, scholarship information, and a calendar of music events and performances.
Left to Right: Jennifer Anderson, and Lisa Louis.
We are the librarians for the College of Business, the College of Liberal Arts, and the School of Arts, Media, and Communication (SAMC). We look forward to working with you! To contact us or to make an appointment:
Submit your request and we'll get right back to you!
Or, you can reach out directly. For our email addresses and phone numbers, see the list below:
Jennifer Anderson | jennifer.anderson@tamucc.edu | 361-825-3321
Lisa Louis | lisa.louis@tamucc.edu | 361-825-5905
Tara Carlisle | tara.carlisle@tamucc.edu | 361-825-5961
Librarians are available M-F, 8-5.