Music Research Guide:Finding Sound Recordings and Scores

This page provides information about and links to resources for music research available in the Mary and Jeff Bell Library

Online Score Sources

IPA books

Main collection (2nd floor):

Italian song texts from the 17th through the 20th centuries, vol.1, 17th century- ML54.6 .I85 2002 v.1

Hugo Wolf's complete song texts- ML54.6 .W853 G52 2000

Brahms' complete song texts- ML54.6 .B82 G52 1999

Schubert's complete song texts- ML54.6 .S39 G5 v.2

Phonetic readings of songs and arias- MT883 .C63

Classical Streaming Video

New! The library now subscribes to Medici.TV. TAMU-CC users can watch hundreds of concerts, master classes, and other classical music performances.

Sound Recordings

The library collection includes a wide variety of recorded music and scores both in the library building and online.

The Development of Western Music
A coordinated presentation of the diverse range of Western music and its composers. 8-CD set. Ask for it at the Circulation Desk under the call number M1 .D48 1990.

Searching the library catalog for sound recordings
The Quick Search box on the library home page is the place to search for sound recordings in the databases the library subscribes to as well as music CDs that the library owns. Type a word or words in the search box that describe the kind of recording you’re looking for--you can search for a composer name, the title of a work, and/or more general terms like ‘violin’ or ‘opera’. Then use the 'Refine your search' options to limit the Material Type to 'Music/Audio Recordings'. You can also do a more specific search by clicking 'More search options.'


Subject Guide

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Derrik Hiatt