Google Scholar indexes many scholarly publications, but does not include free full text of all of them. Use the library's Find Journals List to locate fulltext access if necessary.
The FictionMags Index provides free online indexing of stories and other articles published in fiction magazines from the 19th century to the present.
Project Gutenberg has many public-domain books available as free electronic texts. These are mostly classic books on which copyright protection has expired.
Google Books has electronic texts of millions of books. Not all can be viewed completely. (Hint: use library catalog and/or WorldCat database to locate printed copies if necessary.)
World Oral Literature Project Affiliated with the University of Cambridge Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, the World Oral Literature Project is a new repository and clearinghouse for oral literature projects and collections worldwide. Although still in the early stage of development, the project already offers features that will be useful to any student or scholar of oral literature, cultural anthropology, or endangered languages. -- CHOICE
The Hemingway Papers "This graphically attractive, informative website "showcases the columns Ernest Hemingway wrote while reporting for the Toronto Star in the early 1920's" Annotated by William McGeary (during the 1960's) and set in context by a team of experts at the newspaper, this online collection will grow"--CHOICE
Romantic Circles Romantic Circles is a refereed scholarly Website devoted to the study of Romantic-period literature and culture. It is published by the University of Maryland and supported, in part, by the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, and the English Departments of Loyola University of Chicago and the University of Maryland.
The Shelley-Godwin Archive The Shelley-Godwin Archive will provide the digitized manuscripts of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, William Godwin, and Mary Wollstonecraft, bringing together online for the first time ever the widely dispersed handwritten legacy of this uniquely gifted family of writers.
Discovering Literature: Romantics and Victorians Discover 1,200 Romantic and Victorian literary treasures, new insights by 60 experts, 25 documentary films, 30 inspirational teachers’ notes and more.