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Dance Online: Dance Studies Collection presents the historical context
of 20th and 21st century dance through 150,000 pages of exclusive periodicals, reference materials, books, dance notation, and photographs.
This collection includes exclusive access to the complete run of Dance Magazine (1927–present) in full text.
Search for articles across all ProQuest social science databases, including Criminal Justice Database, Education Database, LLBA, PAIS, Sociological Abstracts, and more.
Full text, abstracts and bibliographic indexing of the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities, as well as specialized magazines. Content includes feature articles, interviews, obituaries and original works of fiction, drama, poetry and much more.
Coverage is from 1907 - present.
Full-text articles from over 330 journals
High-quality indexing of nearly 700 periodicals
Provides online reference from digitized reference sources. Searchable by reference source, by subject, or across all sources. Includes a concept mapping function to assist in broadening or narrowing searches. Reliable, reputable reference sources. Citation assistance is available for the most popular formats.
Provides electronic access to reference books. Browse or search one reference source or all at one time. Content and/or interface may be translated into a selected languages upon request. Entries may be downloaded, and persistent URLS saved for future use.
The first encyclopedia devoted to the music of all the world's peoples. Each volume is devoted to a single geographic region and coverage. Includes audio examples.
Lists and describes more than 1,500 global cultures. Based on research of social scientists, it is the source for historical, social, political, economic, linguistic, religious, and other information on virtually every existing culture.
The DHC is a national alliance of institutions holding significant collections of materials documenting the history of dance. Its mission is to preserve, make accessible, enhance and augment the materials that document the artistic accomplishments in dance of the past, present, and future.
The National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and promotion of high quality education in the art of dance. NDEO provides the dance artist, educator and administrator a network of resources and support, a base for advocacy, and access to programs that focus on the importance of dance in the human experience.