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HIST 4350 - Narratives of World War II in the Pacific: Getting Started

Log In and Create a Page

  1. Set up your user account
    • You should have received an email notifying you that you are now a user in Omeka S at Bell Library
    • Follow the link in the email to create a password.
    • You can update your user information by selecting your user name at the top of the left nav bar in the admin interface.
  2. log in to the Admin dashboard at

  1. Navigate to the HIST4350 site.
    • Select the Sites link in the left nav bar (see above)
    • Select History 4350 from the Sites list


  1. Create/Edit a page
    • Select Pages from the left nav bar. This will open the Pages list.
    • Click the pencil icon to edit a page
    • Click on the Add New Page button to create a new page
      1. Input a title and URL slug - you can always edit this later
      2. Click the Add button
      3. Your page is now created. You can edit it whenever you like.