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TAMU-CC Repository

This guide contains information and policies regarding the TAMU-CC Repository.


The TAMU-CC Repository offers long term, persistent access to digital objects of research and cultural value. To maintain these objects

  • persistent links are minted by the repository system. These links resolve to the current location of the item in the repository. These persistent links are functionally the same as DOIs and use the same underlying standards to complete their function. These links can be used in citations of work in the repository. If you require a DOI for the item in the repository, a DOI can be created and associated with the work in the repository. Contact the library for more information.
  • metadata and content files are hosted on AWS and automatically backed up. The Texas Digital Library maintains the server, data, and asset store of the repository.
  • checksum values for content files are routinely checked for fixity over time. This process will indicate if a file becomes corrupted.
  • items of high value are migrated to archival storage in the Bell Library Special Collections and Archives department.

For a greater potential of long term usability and preservation, certain file types are recommended over others. While the TAMU-CC Repository can host files in any format, this list offers recommendations for formats with more longevity.