House History and GenealogyThis resource was suggested by Amanda, Genealogy Research Workshop Student Volunteer, Hampton Public Library, New Hampshire. Most people have very strong attachments to their homes, but over time, they might also stop to consider who else has called the house their home. It's natural to wonder about the history of a home, especially if the home is older or unusual in style. Sometimes, new homeowners hear a story about their home's former residents from neighbors and begin to wonder how much of the story is true and what other secrets their home holds. Or perhaps the construction of the home is unusual or really well done and they'd like to learn more about who designed and built their home. Luckily, it's easier than ever to research the history of real estate holdings. Homeowners can start by compiling what they know or think they know about the house. New researchers should be warned, though, that sometimes, they've received bad information, and official records can even be wrong. For example, tax records might list the year a home was substantially renovated as the year it was built.