I-Know Faculty Guide:Assessing SLO 2: Evaluate

Summative Artifact

Because SLO 2 reaches across so many different disciplines, it is impossible to create a summative assessment that would be appropriate for every I-Know Level 2 course. We are providing examples of how some faculty are integrating this artifact into their course. This way faculty can adapt these exercises to meet the needs of their specific course and discipline.

Please upload your student samples of your I-Know assessment to the I-Know Organization. The steps are as follows:

  1. Collect student samples from each of your sections. We will need a sample size of ~10% (rounding up) of your class, and samples will need to be at the sophomore or junior class standing. Collect the samples from the students that are multiples of 10 and the last student in your roster (as a way to randomize the collection and to prevent our selecting only the “best”). For example, if you have 37 students on your roster, you will submit samples from the students who are number 10, 20, 30, and 37 on your roster.  If student 10  is not a sophomore or junior, or did not submit the assignment, take the sample from the student who comes directly before 10 who does meet the criteria.  
  2. Rename each file using the following file name protocol: year.course.section.yourlastname (example: 2023.NURS3318.001.Drillen)
  3. Upload and Submit each file to the assignment by Dec. 18th, at the end of the day.  Please submit all student files to the UPLOAD I-KNOW STUDENT ARTIFACTS assignment in the I-Know Organization on Blackboard. For example, if you have 50 students/section and are teaching 2 sections, you would collect 5 artifacts x 2 sections = 10 file attachments.

I-Know's plan for Spring 2024 is as follows:

  • Deidentify: A third party not affiliated with I-Know will de-identify the student artifacts by removing student and faculty names.
  • Scoring: A committee consisting of faculty peers will score the student assignments using the I-Know rubric. The third party will have a master key to ensure that faculty are not given their own students’ assignments when the samples are being distributed to score.

SLO 2 Rubric

 Artifacts that align with SLO 2 should demonstrate the students' ability to A) evaluate a source's credibility in the context of their information needs and B) evaluate a source's suitability in the context of their information needs. Artifacts will be submitted to Blackboard and scored by the I-Know Assessment committee. Scores are calculated using the rubric below.  

Assessment is on a 4 point scale, with 4 points being the most advanced (Exemplary), and 1 point being the Developing benchmark.

SLO Level (4) Exemplary  (3) Highly Developed  (2) Developed  (1) Developing 
 2a: Evaluate a source’s credibility in the context of their information needs The student’s work relies entirely on credible sources. The student’s work relies largely on credible sources. The student’s work relies on sources which may not be credible. The student’s work relies on sources that are not credible. 
2b:Evaluate a source’s suitability in the context of their information needs  The student’s work relies entirely on sources suitable to the academic task.   The student’s work relies largely on sources suitable to the academic task. The student’s work relies on sources which may not be suitable to the academic task.  The student’s work relies on sources that are not suitable to the academic task. 

We anticipate students moving up this scale as they are exposed to and are able to practice the digital information literacy skill throughout their time at TAMU-CC. We encourage you to keep this rubric in mind when creating or adapting activities, or creating your own course assessments.  

Summative Assessment: TATIL

Students in I-Know Level 2 Courses will be asked to take module 1 of the Threshold Achievement Test for Information Literacy (TATIL) at the end of their I-Know semester. This module focuses on the process of information creation and the constructed and contextual nature of source authority. 

I-Know Consultation

If you want help creating or adapting activities that reflect the I-Know Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) into your own course, you can contact Eric Cosio at eric.cosio@tamucc.edu