I-Know Faculty Guide:Assessing SLO 3: Create and Communicate

SLO 3 Rubric

Artifacts that align with SLO 3 should demonstrate the students' ability to A) Create effective research questions based on curiosity and gaps in the information or data available and B) use technology appropriately (such as collaboration tools, presentation software, or multimedia) to communicate and contribute to scholarly conversations in their field.  A random sample of artifacts are submitted to the I-Know team at the end of participating semesters. Artifacts are anonymized and scored using the rubric below.  

Assessment is on a 4 point scale, with 4 points being the most advanced (Exemplary), and 1 point being the Developing benchmark.
Student Learning Objective (4) Exemplary (3) Highly Developed (2) Developed (1) Developing
3a: Create well-crafted research questions focusing on areas of interest and identifying information or data gaps The students' research question encompasses three crucial aspects: 1) a well-defined focus; 2) a grasp of the available information; 3) awareness of the gaps in the existing data or information. The students' research question encompasses two of the three crucial aspects: 1) a well-defined focus; 2) a grasp of the available information; 3) awareness of the gaps in the existing data or information. The students' research question encompasses one of the three crucial aspects: 1) a well-defined focus; 2) a grasp of the available information; 3) awareness of the gaps in the existing data or information. The student’s research question lacks a well-defined focus, a grasp of the available information, and awareness of the gaps in the existing data or information.
3b: Use technology appropriately (such as collaboration tools, presentation software, or multimedia) to communicate and contribute to scholarly conversations in their field.   The student’s work reflects effective, appropriate, and innovative use of technology for contributing to scholarly conversations in their field.   The student’s work reflects effective and appropriate use of technology for contributing to scholarly conversations in their field. The student’s work reflects appropriate use of technology for contributing to scholarly conversations in their field. The student’s work reflects inappropriate use of technology for contributing to scholarly conversations in their field. 

We anticipate those who score Exemplary for SLO 3b might use multiple technologies and/or mediums as part of their presentation. It may include integrating multimedia in a way that effectively tells the student's research story, and going beyond the required technology for the specific assignment. For example, with a PowerPoint Presentation, did the student create and integrate multimedia into their PowerPoint in a way that was effective and unique? Did they use Excel in an effective way to visualize their data, and then integrate that into their presentation? 

Summative Artifact

Because SLO 3 reaches across so many disciplines, it is impossible to create a summative assessment that would be appropriate for every I-Know Level 3 course. We are providing examples of how some faculty are integrating this artifact into their course. This way faculty can adapt these exercises to meet the needs of their specific course and discipline.

Designing Effective Infographics

An Infographic is a "graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly" (Wikipedia 2023). They require extensive research, thoughtful design, and unique software skills. 

I-Know Consultation

If you want help creating or adapting activities that reflect the I-Know Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) into your own course, you can contact Eric Cosio at eric.cosio@tamucc.edu