I-Know Faculty Guide:SLO 3: Create and Communicate

SLO 3A: Create and Communicate

The final Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) of I-Know are Create and Communicate. We define create as the ability to create well-crafted research questions focusing on areas of interest and identifying information or data gaps. We define Communicate as the ability to use technology appropriately (such as collaboration tools, presentation software, or multimedia) to communicate and contribute to scholarly conversations.

Activities that align with SLO 3A and 3B focus on developing students’ ability to create research questions and communicate their findings with technology.

What Does this Mean for the Courses I Teach?

Select major capstone courses will integrate Create and Communicate into their teaching and assessment.

In Spring 2024, instructors of those capstone courses will meet with the I-Know Team to discuss different techniques for integrating these learning objectives. After meeting with I-Know, faculty will submit their plan for integrating these learning objectives for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 semesters through our Blackboard Organization.

Questions to Consider

  • What forms of media do professionals in your discipline use to communicate?
  • What digital tools and/or methods are students using in your class?
  • What are some possible barriers that students experience when using digital applications or specific software for assignments?
  • What tools or tech skills are needed for your industry?
  • What technology is considered appropriate for contributing to scholarly conversations in your discipline?
  • What elements does an appropriately scoped research question have?
  • What are techniques that students can use to identify gaps in information?
  • What research methods are appropriate in your discipline?
  • What are some barriers students experience when it comes to trying to engage with scholarship in their chosen discipline?
  • Do you currently have students help you in your own research and scholarship?
  • Does LinkedIn have appropriate content for your discipline?
  • Do you teach your students about plagiarism in your course?
  • What are the ways that AI is changing/could change the way scholars communicate in your discipline?

What Does Create Mean?

We define create as the ability to create well-crafted research questions focusing on areas of interest and identifying information or data gaps.

What Does Communicate Mean?

We define Communicate as the ability to use technology appropriately (such as collaboration tools, presentation software, or multimedia) to communicate and contribute to scholarly conversations in their field.

Aligning with the ACRL Framework

SLO 3 aligns with 3 frames of the ACRL framework.

SLO 3A: Create aligns with Research as Inquiry.

SLO 3B: Communicate aligns with Information has Value and Scholarship as Conversation. 

I-Know Consultation

If you want help creating or adapting activities that reflect the I-Know Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) into your own course, you can contact Eric Cosio at eric.cosio@tamucc.edu