Quick Search is your best bet to find a specific book. First click on the search box to display the additional checkbox filters below. Then click on:
Then type in your specific title, surrounded by quotation marks. An example might be: "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" and click the Search button.
Finding eBooks
Look in the center of the results page in Quick Search to browse for book you want. The example below shows how an ebook looks in a Quick Search result list. Click on the Full Text Online to get to the online book text. You may need to log in with your IslandID if you are off-campus or click through several screens to check out an ebook.
Print Books
Print books in the Quick Search result list will not have a link to online text. You'll need to either write down or take a picture of the book's call number and location. Call numbers allow you to find the precise location of the book on the shelf. Most of the library's print book collection is located on the 2nd floor, but in the example below, the book is in the Popular Reading section, which is located in the 1st floor Atrium area. Carry the book to the 1st floor Circulation Desk and present your ID to check the book out!
Stop by the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor with your Sanddollar$ ID card to check out print books!