There are two things you need to know in order to locate a physical book in the library:
Where do I find the call number and location?
The book's listing in Quick Search will display both the call number and location. Additionally, if the listing shows the book's status as "available," it means the book is on the shelf and available for check out.
Call numbers allow you to find the precise location of the book on the shelf. Most of the library's print book collection is located on the 2nd floor, but in the example above, the book is in the Popular Reading section, which is located in the 1st floor Atrium area.
Go to the library area where your book is shelved, and find your book. Library tip: once you find your book, you can browse the other adjacent books on the shelf to find similar books.
Carry the book to the 1st floor Circulation Desk and present your ID to check the book out! The library staff at the information desk are always happy to assist you with locating a book in the library as well.