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Using Course Library in Canvas

Create a List

Image of the create list button

1. In Canvas > Select the course you want to work on > Course Library > Create list

Note: you must add Course Library to your course navigation first. See instructions on the "Access Course Library" tab.

  2. Give the list a name and an optional description. Click Next.


3. Create sections. You can choose from default (all resources in a single list) or divide the list by weeks or modules.

If you choose weeks or modules, you can specify the number of sections you need.

If you want sections but you want to name them differently, choose default. You can create sections yourself as you go, rather than relying on one of these templates, and name them whatever you prefer.


4. Click Create list.

Options for the list that are under the ellipsis menu: edit list, duplicate list, view list as student, etc.

Access list options via the list menu at the top of the window (three dots): edit list, view as student, export or print list, and more.




You can see these steps in this video (timestamp 00:45 - 2:00).