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Nursing: Community

This course guide is to address the needs of the Nursing 4660 course, particularly in regards to their community health assessment assignment.

Comparison Tables

SimplyAnalytics gives you the opportunity to compare the data of the different locations you've selected. This is especially helpful if you're trying to see things like differences between locations or if you want to compare your location to national averages. 


1. The first step in creating a comparison table is clicking the "New View +" button on the top of the right hand menu. 


Simply Analytics New View button


2. You'll come to a screen with a lot of options. For this example we're going to click the Create button under "Comparison Table." 

Simply Analytics New View options, Comparison Table highlighted


3. On this page, you're going to click the locations that you want to compare. I think I want to compare the two census tracts to each other, but I also want to compare that data to the national data, so I'll check all three of my locations. 


4. Next, you have the option to choose which data you want to compare. This data comes from the selections we made earlier in "Add Data to Your Project." If you realize that you're missing data you want to compare, you can go back and add more data at any time. 

I think it would be overwhelming to look at all of this data, so I'm going to uncheck a few of these boxes. 


Simply Analytics edit Comparison Table Locations and Data


5. And now we'll click the "Done" button at the top.


Simply Analytics edit Comparison Table "Done" button


6. And we see a table with the data we selected from the locations we wanted to look at. 


Simply Analytics Comparison Table


7. And that's your table! If later on your decide to add more locations or more data, you can edit this table or create a new table at any time. To edit your table, click the little arrow in the upper left hand corner of the "Comparison Table" button. 

Simply Analytics Comparison button on bottom of right hand menu


8. From there, click "Edit."


Simply Analytics Comparison Table, select "edit" from "Comparison Table" menu


9. And that will bring you back to this original Edit page where we started creating our table. 


Simply Analytics edit Comparison Table


That's how you create a Comparison Table! Remember you can add locations and data at any time, and you can make as many tables as you want, so play around with it! 

More interested in rankings than comparisons? Check out the next page!