Data on births is surprisingly difficult to access. The most recent data on births is here:
Since the data is particularly difficult to comb through, the most recent data available is represented here for you:
In the year 2023, Nueces County experienced 4,196 births. This is a birthrate of 11.91 per 1,000.
In the year 2023, Texas experienced 387,945 births. This is a birthrate of 12.72 per 1,000.
If you want the most up to date data, you'll need to use SimplyAnalytics. Hover over the SimplyAnalytics option on the blue menu to the left and select the second tab "Death Data" to learn how to access that information.
You can also find data on deaths using the CDC Wonder tool.
The most recent data from the CDC is the 2023 data and reports the following:
Nueces County experienced 20,788 deaths out of a population of 2,144,749 which is a rate of 969.3 per 100,000.
To see causes of death in Nueces County in 2023, access CDC Wonder using the link above. Then follow these steps:
1) Look under Deaths and All Ages headings, then select "Underlying Causes of Death."
2) On the next screen, choose "2018-2023: Underlying Cause of Death by Single-Race Categories."
3) Click on the "I Agree" button to enter the dataset search form.
2) Under "Organize table layout:" tell the form that you want to Group Results by "County" (Select county from that first drop down menu).
3) On the second drop down menu, select "Cause of death."
3) Scroll just a little further and under "Select Location:" click the plus sign next to Texas, then click on the "Open" button to display the list of Texas Counties.
4) Scroll down and select "Nueces County" so that you see it in the grey "Currently Selected" box next to all of the options.
You can add more specifications on what you'd like to ask the database, but for causes of mortality, this will do.
5) Click the "Send" button in the light blue "Select Location" bar
6) Once your results appear, organize them into greatest and least causes of mortality by clicking the green arrow that points down next to the category "Death."
As of 2023, these were the top fifteen causes of death in Nueces County: